Precision – Expertise – Innovation

Precision Mapping & Solutions

At Joeamah Geomatic Consult Limited, we specialize in delivering world-class mapping and surveying solutions with a focus on precision, advanced technology, and client satisfaction.

Our skilled professionals are committed to turning spatial data into valuable insights that drive success in every project.


At Joeamah, we use UAVs or drones to create precise maps and 3D models from aerial photographs, ensuring the highest accuracy map and well defined legends for your projects.

Capture Precision from Above

Engineering Surveying

Our team ensures accuracy in surveying for road and structure projects, identifying design issues before construction begins. We help bring your engineering designs to life with precision.

Mapping the Path to Engineering

Cadastral surveying

We expertly define property boundaries, ensuring clarity and legal security for land ownership. Our team guarantees precise land division for smooth property transactions.

Know Your Boundaries with Confidence

Hydrographic Surveying

Joeamah conducts detailed underwater surveys, producing navigation charts for safe passage and infrastructure development.

Navigate the Depths of Data

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

We provide fast, accurate spatial data and mapping solutions using ArcGIS, AutoCAD, and other advanced software to support your decision-making.

Transforming Data into Insight


At Joeamah, we offer hands-on training in GPS, Total Stations, and software like AutoCAD and ArcGIS, helping professionals and companies stay ahead in geomatic engineering.

Empower Your Skills for Tomorrow

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

its’ not about business,
it’s about ‘YOU’!

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  • Focus Implementation: Arcu egety ipsum
  • Strategy Management: Class aptent tac socioa
  • Content Architecture: Per nostra inceptos himen turpis
Supported Businesses
Funds Granted Through Govt. Aid
Turnkey Projects

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

the approach we follow

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fusce nec litora diam vestibulum andyus eget ipsum faucibus

generating creative ideas

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project workflow & executation

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project delivery & support

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Speak To Our Experts +1 (800) 555 555 or Request A Quote

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

Simple Pricing for Business

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magna augue get diam vestibulum anipsum faucibus

basic plan

$29 / month
  • 1 Free Project Quote
  • Upto 3 Years Support

  • Taxation & Audit Reports
  • Unlimited Product Sales

advance plan

$39 / month
  • 1 Free Project Quote
  • Upto 3 Years Support

  • Taxation & Audit Reports
  • Unlimited Product Sales

premium plan

$49 / month
  • 1 Free Project Quote
  • Upto 3 Years Support

  • Taxation & Audit Reports
  • Unlimited Product Sales

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